The FitzHugh-Nagumo Model. Bifurcation and Dynamics,
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht / Boston / London, 2000,
ISBN 0-7923-6427-9, MR1779040, Zbl 0959.34031 (with A. Georgescu, N. Giurgițeanu).
- Modeling Economic Processes and Decissions Optimization,
Universitaria, Craiova, 2011, ISBN 978-606-14-0117-8 (Romanian).
- Themes of Mathematics Applied to Economics,
Universitaria, Craiova, 2009, ISBN 978-606-510-502-5 (Romanian) (with L Popescu)
- Modelling and Simulating Economic Processes, Universitaria,
Craiova, 2007, ISBN 978-606-510-078-7 (Romanian) (with M. Sterpu).
- Bifurcations of Continuous Dynamical Systems. Applications to Economy and Biology,
Universitaria, Craiova, 2006, ISBN 973-742-426-3; 978-973-742-426-6 (Romanian).
- Applied Mathematics, Sitech, Craiova, 2005, ISBN 973-746-032-4 (Romanian).
- Linear Programming and Elements of Graph Theory,
Universitaria, Craiova, 2002, ISBN 973-8043-212-2 (Romanian).
- Mathematics Applied to Economics,
Universitaria, Craiova, 2001, ISBN 973-8043-64-9 (Romanian).
- Applied Mathematics. Probabilities and Statistics,
Universitaria, Craiova, 1998, ISBN 973-9271-40-5 (Romanian) (with P. Stavre).
- Optimizations and Applications to Economy,
Infomed, Craiova, 1995, ISBN 973-96940-1-2 (Romanian) (with P. Stavre).
Selected Papers:
- Controllable Hopf bifurcations of codimension one and two in linear control systems,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, 2011, D-10-00280 (with Carvalho Braga D., Mello L.F., Sterpu M.).
- Controllable Hopf bifurcations of codimension one and two in nonlinear control systems,
Nonlinear Analysis. Theory, Methods and Applications, 74 (9), 2011, 3046-3054,
(with Carvalho Braga D., Mello L.F., Sterpu M.), Zbl pre05880260, ISSN: 0362-546X.
- Control of planar Bautin bifurcation, Nonlinear Dynamics,
vol. 62, 4, 2010, 989-1000, (with Carvalho Braga D., Mello L.F., Sterpu M.),
doi:10.1007/s11071-010-9779-2, MR2745957, ISSN: 0924-090X (print version), ISSN: 1573-269X (electronic version).
- Lyapunov coefficients for non-symmetrically coupled identical dynamical systems.
Application to coupled advertising models,
Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems-B, vol 11, 3, 2009, 785-803
(with Carvalho Braga D. , Mello L.F., Sterpu M.),
doi:10.3934/dcdsb.2009.11.785, MR2529324, Zbl 1170.37024, ISSN 1531-3492.
- Bifurcation in a nonlinear business cycle model,
ROMAI Journal, vol 5 (2), 2009, 145-152 (with Sterpu M.),
MR2721262, ISSN 1841-5512 (print version), ISSN 2065-7714 (electronic version).
- Stability and Hopf Bifurcations for Two Advertising Systems, Coupled with Delay,
International Conference on Numerical Analysis and Applied Mathematics,
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings - 936, Melville, New York, 2007
(Editor: T. Simos) 535-538 (with Sterpu M.), doi:10.1063/1.2790199, ISBN 978-0-7354-0447-2, ISSN 0094-243X.
- First Liapunov coefficient for coupled identical oscillators. Application to coupled demand-supply model,
Mathematical Methods in the Applied Sciences, Wiley Publ, 29(17), 2006, 2037-2046
(with Sterpu M.), MR2268280, Zbl pre05118429, doi:10.1002/mma.762, ISSN 0170-4214.
- Bifurcation in coupled Hopf oscillators, in Mathematical Analysis and Applications,
American Institute of Physics Conference Proceedings - 835, Melville, New York, 2006
(Editors: C. Niculescu, V. Rădulescu), 133-142 (with Sterpu M.)
MR2258650, doi:10.1063/1.2205043, ISBN 0-7354-0328-7, ISSN 0094-243X.
- Hopf bifurcation in a system of two coupled advertising oscillators,
Nonlinear Analysis: Real World Appl., Elsevier, 6, 1, 2005, 1-12 (with Sterpu M.),
MR2104540, doi:10.1016/j.nonrwa.2004.07.003, Zbl 1095.34022, ISSN 1468-1218.
- Stability and fold bifurcation in a system of two coupled demand-supply models,
Bull. Acad. of Sciences of Rep. Moldova, Mathematics, 3(46), 2004, 53-62
(with Sterpu M.), Zbl pre02187107, MR2148009, ISSN 1024-7696.
- Bifurcation in the Goodwin model I,
Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech-Mec. Appl., Tome 49/2004, 1-6, 13-16
(with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.) MR2168608, ISSN 0035-4074.
- Local bifurcation for the FitzHugh - Nagumo system,
in Analysis and Optimization of Differential Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Boston / Dordrecht / London, 2003 (Editors: V. Barbu, I. Lasiecka, D. Tiba, C. Varsan),
345-357 (with Sterpu M.) MR1993727, Zbl 1036.34046, ISBN 1-4020-7439-5.
- Global bifurcations for the FitzHugh - Nagumo model,
in Bifurcations, Symmetry and Patterns. A conference in honor of M. Golubitsky and I. Stewart,
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, Switzerland, 2003
(Editors: J. Buescu, S.B.S.D. Castro, A. P. S. Dias, I. S. Labouriau), 197-202
(with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.), Zbl 1075.34036, MR2014371, ISBN 3-7643-7020-3.
- Mathematical model for arterial pressure,
Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech-Mec. Appl., Tome 48/2003, 1-6, 65-72, ISSN 0035-4074.
- Two approximations of homoclinic bifurcation curves in the FitzHugh - Nagumo system,
Ann. Univ. of Craiova, Mat. Inf., vol. 30, 2, 2003, 166-174 (with Sterpu M.),
Zbl 1073.34510, MR2064636, ISSN 1223-6934.
- A Lie algebra of differential generalized FitzHugh - Nagumo system.
Bull. Acad. of Sciences of Rep. Moldova, Mathematics, 1(41), 2003, 18-30
(with Popa M., Georgescu A.), Zbl 1050.34051, ISSN 1024-7696.
- Connections between saddles for the FitzHugh - Nagumo system,
International Journal of Bifurcation and Chaos, vol 11, 2, feb. 2001, 533-540
(with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.) MR1830350, Zbl 1090.37549, doi:10.1142/S0218127401002213, ISSN: 0218-1274.
- Concavity of the limit cycles in the FitzHugh - Nagumo model,
Ann. Univ. Al.I. Cuza Iaşi, XLVII, s.I, Mathematics, 2001, f2, 287-298
(with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.), Zbl 1066.34505, MR1977388.
- Degenerated Hopf bifurcation in the FitzHugh - Nagumo system 2. Bautin bifurcation,
Revue d'Analyse Numerique et de Theorie de l'Approximation, Cluj - Napoca,
vol. 29, 1/2000-2001, 97-110 (with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.), Zbl 1074.37516, MR1928253.
- Hopf and homoclinic bifurcations in a biodynamical system,
Bull. Sci. Univ. de Nord Baia Mare, B, Fasc. Mathematics and Computer Sciences,
vol XVI, 1, 2000, 131-142 (with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.), MR1832131, Zbl 1005.34036.
- Regimes with two or three limit cycles in the FitzHugh - Nagumo system,
ZAMM, Z. Angew. Math. Mech., 79, Suppl.2 (1999), 293-294 (with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.)
Zbl 1093.34530, ISSN: 0044-2267.
- Equilibria and relaxation oscillations of the nodal system of the heart 1.
Bifurcation diagrams of equilibria,
Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech-Mec. Appl. 43, 2, 1998, 171-181 MR1830578.
- Equilibria and relaxation oscillations of the nodal system of the heart 2. Hopf bifurcation,
Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech-Mec. Appl. 43, 3, 1998, 403-414 (with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.) MR1830580.
- Equilibria and relaxation oscillators of the nodal system of the heart 3.
Oscillatory and transient regimes,
Rev. Roum. Sci. Tech-Mec. Appl. 43, 4 (1998), 467-474 MR1834263.
- Degenerated Hopf bifurcation in the FitzHugh - Nagumo system 1. Bogdanov - Takens bifurcation,
Ann. Univ. Timişoara, XXXV (2), 1997, 285-298 (with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.) Zbl 1012.34037, MR1876887.
- Study of phase portrait IV. Absence of canard bifurcation,
St. Cerc. Mec. Appl. 56 (1997), 5-6, 297-305 (Romanian), (with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.).
- Bifurcation and oscillatory regimes for the FitzHugh - Nagumo model,
Invited lectures delivered at the 8-th International Colloquium on Differential Equations,
Plovdiv, 1997, Academic Publications (ed. Angel Dishliev), vol. III, 33-40 (with Georgescu A., Giurgițeanu N.).